A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yes...she's my daughter!

It's funny. When we are out and about as a family, we hear the same statement a lot. "Skylar looks like Kirby. Jade looks like Amy." It's not that I disagree...it's just weird how consistent it is.

But as I looked through the paper this morning I saw what I consider to be proof that Jade has some of "me" in her. Here is a shot from a performance the other night at the Trirosis Club event. This small group from the Elite Dance Force performed their routine from last year.

As you can plainly see, as every other girl looks to their left, Jade has found the camera to her right. You can almost hear her saying, "How YOU doin'?!"

So yes...maybe Jade is more like me than we think!


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