A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Monday, November 07, 2011

A look back at posts from the Blog

While we were on vacation this summer with family, I wanted to take a look at something that had happened several years ago. After trying to describe the event, I remembered that I had posted about it on this blog! So while in North Carolina I pulled up the post and pics and was able to share with the family.

Then while going through the posts, I was able to relive some fun memories with the family...and some great pictures as well. I told everyone that I was going to get back to posting...and I have not done it.

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my wife's surgery. If you have read this before, you know the one I am talking about. If not, check out November of 2007! At any rate, I am going to get back into posting here. Wish me luck...and check back!


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