A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Visit From Handy Matty

My good friend Matt Miller came over to the house today to help me install a garbage disposal. Ours has been on the fritz for about 8 months...and Matt generously offered to help. Actually to say I helped is really loose. Matt did all the work.

While he was here we replaced the disposal, found what a mystery switch does in our office, replaced the switches in the upstairs bathroom, and even looked at a toilet in another bath. I may rent him out each Sunday.

It's hard not to feel a bit insecure around a guy like Matt! He can do everything! I am not sure Amy doesn't want to trade. Anyway, thanks Matt! I really appreciate the help!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool blog

11:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:53 AM


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