A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Saturday, December 30, 2006

What a night!

On December 29th Miss Jennifer's Elite Dance Force (one of the many great things about our small commmunity) had the opportunity to perform at "The Q" in Cleveland. The Elite Dance squad peformed right before the tip off of the Cavs/Bucks game and did a number from High School Musical.

Let me just say, "Wow!"

The staff from the Cavs allowed us to sit down close to the floor for the performance so we had a great view of the routine. The girls did an unbelievably great job...especially considering this was many of the younger girls first performance! What a way to break into it! Performing later this year on the Courtsquare won't quite seem the same will it? On a side note, I recognize my own bias here...but Skylar is really good at this.

After the girls performed we headed up to our "real" seats. We were pretty high (which is to say I could touch the heating ducts) but it was still awesome. And not that it really mattered to the girls (or the mom's for that matter) but the Cavs won too!


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