A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Monday, April 23, 2007

Clean Up Day

This past Saturday, on April 21st, Coshocton County held a "Clean Up Day." It was a great organized event for the community to get out and simply clean up. It was needed badly in some areas. And it's a very simple thing all of us can do to help make the community look better...without spending a dime!

Kudos to those who organized this event! As I have said before, you don't have to have money to have pride!

As you can see, the Hasseman clan took part. This is my youngest helping out over at Lake Park to help the park look great. She did a pretty nice job with no complaining. That's about all I can ask from a 5 year old!


Blogger Tom Broadwater said...

We could use something like this in our area. The amount of junk along the roads in Columbus following winter is ridiculous.

7:55 AM


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