A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quote to ponder for the day...

I receive sales literature each day for my job. Some days it is a special on a specific promotional product, and sometimes it is a seminar or something like that. Today I received something promoting one these seminars...but it had a newsletter attached. It was a motivational letter and had several quotes that were cool. This one caught my eye this morning...

"Most people fail instead of succeed because they give up what they really want for what they want at the moment."

That is really true isn't it? How many times do we set the alarm clock for early in the morning to workout? Then the morning rolls around and "at the moment" we want to sleep some more.

Here's to a day that gives you everything you want!


Blogger Bill said...

Great quote....I'll probably use it!

11:55 AM


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