A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Friday, November 11, 2011

2011 Kiwanis Pancake Day

Yesterday was the Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day in Coshocton and it was a great event. Event organizer Jesse Marcencavage and Kiwanis President Belinda Williamson (and everyone else involved) did a fantastic job! I am anxious to see the numbers raised from this event. I have a feeling we might have a record breaker on our hands! Kudos to all of them.

It's always great to be a part of an event like this in the community. First, it really is a community event. It seems like everyone in town goes! Second, you know that with a successful fundraiser, Kiwanis can really have a positive impact on Coshocton County. And that is ALWAYS a good thing!


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