A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bright White

I am not sure this shot shows it, but it was actually hard to see outside because it was bright. The snow continues to fall out my office window, and I am ready to get out in it!

My bride and I have radically different ideas on how to deal with this weather. She wants to snuggle up and hide (not a bad idea by the way) and I want to go play in it! I have done the snuggling thing...now it's time to go have some fun!


Blogger Bill said...

Great fun!

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

10" here in New Albany. Seemed like it took me clost to forever to shovel the driveway, thanks in large part to the layer of ice. All of my appointments canceled the past two days so I've had snow days for the first time in two years.

I also thought it was extremely bright outside.

10:34 PM


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