A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Friday, May 11, 2007

Organized Play!

Although some find it strange, Amy and I are each helping with a new program called PAX play, that helps kids at the school with "organized play."

The program is designed to help kids with positive play on the playground. This organized play allows for positive interaction with adults in the community, and is supposed to help decrease acts of aggression and violence in kids.

On Wednesday Amy and Heather Guess (our super realtor and friend) were on the playground playing with the kids. And since Amy is the media hound these days, the Tribune caught them in the act. They have some nice photos...and a great story as well!

Check it out!


Blogger Bill said...

OK...so it's a little hard to tell Amy form the rest of the Kids! Great to see she is still such a kid at heart!

3:48 AM

Blogger Salle Beckwith said...

Bill - you don't have much room to talk, but we're all glad you're still a kid at heart, too. Nice mother's day present for Amy to have some time away, right? Kirby - I was in Ohio last weekend but ran out of time to see you. Sorry about that! I'll try to call this week.

9:37 AM


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