A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Final Social as President

You may or may not know that for the past Kiwanis year I have been President of our local Kiwanis Club. The new year begins on October 1st with Mindy Fehrman assuming the duties that I have tried not to neglect.

The other night, we had our final Kiwanis social of the year at Amy and I's house. It was a great night of food and fellowship...and we gave each of the new officers their pins.

I received my Past President pin! Whoohoo!

It was a great night. And it was a great year of working in the community through Kiwanis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My picture with you was better!!!!

lol, chad

8:36 AM

Blogger Bill said...

Boy is thee a lot going on over there in Coshocton....and the HASSE MAN seems to be at the EPICENTER of it all!

2:44 PM


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