A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Last Kiwanis Meeting

At my last Kiwanis meeting as President, I was the speaker for the day. I felt like this was an opportunity to thank people...and hopefully motivate them as well. Here is the speech I gave!

What a year! It really is hard to believe that nearly a year ago I was standing in front of you giving you my “vision’ for the 12 months to come. I talked about creating an atmosphere of a Kiwanis Team…and even had little chocolate footballs on the tables!

And I must say after a year I can honestly say that we do have a great Kiwanis Team.

Don’t believe me? Consider trying to accomplish these feats alone:
Mindy and Brad teamed up to have one of our best Pancake Days. They raised over $10,000 and allow us to take on more projects and gifts than ever before!
We gave money to Maternal Child & Health, Coshocton Family Literacy, Salvation Army, The United Way of Coshocton County, Coshocton Schools, Johnson Humrickhouse Museum, Village of Conesville, Meadows Outreach Program, Higher Hopes Riding Center, City Rec, Big Brothers, Kids America, The Alternative School, Sacred Heart, Safety City, and Youth Leadership
We sent 3 kids to Hugh Obrien Youth Leadership Program, and gave $5000 to Dollars for Scholars.
But there was more…we helped Youth Leadership clean up Bancroft Park…we rang the bells for salvation army…we helped the Coshocton County Board of MR/DD have a fantastic Track and Field Day…and I am sure there was more.

Kiwanis’s theme—Serving the Children of the World—is a daunting task. But our team made a good start this year in Coshocton County.

But one of the accomplishments I am most pleased about is the boards decision to re-institute the attendance rule of the past. By encouraging more of our fellow Kiwanians to simply attend the meetings…we will increase our ability to do these good works in our community. We will increase our influence in the community…and make a larger TEAM of Kiwanians in Coshocton County.

Making a change like this might be difficult for some…and we may lose a few of our non-active members in the process. But we need to understand that the “decisions are made by those who show up.” And we need to be here…to make a difference in the community.

We are at a crossroads. As a community, as individuals, and as a club…we are at a place where we need to make some choices. And some of these choices are not the most pleasant ones…but here we are.

The present is a tough place in time to be.

In the past…we might have spoken with the bravado of youth. We could make bold predictions (because we know we won’t have to worry about this for a while). And in the future…well…hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. But in the moment…well…that’s the tough stuff.

As members in the Kiwanis Club of Coshocton, however, we are in a position to be true agents of change. We can be in the discussion of where we want to see our community go. The question is whether or not we have chosen to put ourselves in that discussion.

As a club…as a group…let’s be a part of the solution for this community. Let’s be involved in our club each week. Let’s help when asked. Let’s make the commitment to make this place a better one.

I have often said it is exciting to realize how big a difference you can make in a small community. I still believe that is true. Let’s just make sure we are doing all we can to make that difference.

So thanks for making my year at Kiwanis President a rewarding one. I encourage us all to step up and help Mindy make next year even more impactful.

Help Wanted. National Organization looking for aggressive, intelligent, thoughtful, creative, giving, caring individuals to help change the world…beginning at a local level. These candidates must be open to new ideas, hard work, and innovative problem solving. Opportunities for advancement into leadership positions are plentiful. Salary ranges from slim to none and is completely non-negotiable…but benefits are immeasurable.

Just ask yourself now…do you want the job?


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