A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Thursday, November 08, 2007

What a Day!

Warning...this post will discuss the surgery of my wife...and will include pictures. This will either seem awful or super cool to you...but either way...be warned!

So on Wednesday November 7th, my wife Amy went in for a hysterectomy. She had a fibroid found in her uterus and--after careful consideration--it was decided that it would be best to remove it.

For those of you who read this, you know she is also the Executive Director of the United Way of Coshocton County. So the surgery was pushed back quite a bit to make sure the campaign was not affected. Now that the campaign has been kicked off, she decided now was the time to have it done.

The reason she decided to have this done was the size of the fibroid. It was noticed at the size of a golf ball...but now had grown to the size of a baseball. For those of you who know Amy, she doesn't have a ton of extra room for something that size to reside!

We arrived at the hospital at 5am and the surgery took place at 8am. All went very well and she is recovering nicely.

We asked the nurse on the way to surgery if we could "take a picture" of the fibroid. She actually physically turned around to look at us and said, "Picture of What?" We told her we wanted a picture of the fibroid. As my wife pointed out, "We bought the tickets. We might as well see the show!"

The surgeon complied! And guess what? It was even bigger than I thought! Can you imagine this being inside of Amy? Dr. Lenko even put her hand there to give it some perspective!

And then she went one further and got out a measuring stick!

I mean this is probably tough for some to look at...but how cool?

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just had to try to outdo Jimmy, didn't ya, Kirby? Be careful, he might take this as a challenge!

I am glad that Amy has found some relief! I hope she has a quick recovery.

8:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


What did it weigh in at? HAHA
Were the Inside Coshocton cameras there? kidding!

Okay, that was pretty cool, only you Kirby! Glad to hear Amy is recovering well, she has been on all our minds and in our prayers!

10:19 AM

Blogger Bill said...

I VOTE....cool!The big question I have is ...Does Amy know her fiderous tumoreed uterus is plastered out here all over the internet?? Give her my regards!

6:47 PM

Blogger Kirby Hasseman said...

To be fair...it was her idea to take the picture!

7:53 PM

Blogger Gluten Free Gourmet said...

WOW...oh my gosh. My sister had one they said was about twice that size - but I never would have seen it or anything!!! I can't believe my eyes! Thanks for being willing to share...I vote cool and I love the open-mindedness!!!


8:08 PM

Blogger Valerie said...

Um, cool? You never know what you're going to see on your blog. Hope Amy is recouping. Let me know if there's something we can do during the recovery time. I make a mean bowl of cereal ... in a variety of flavors!

7:06 PM

Blogger Beth said...

Just visiting via Bill W.'s blog and my oh my - what a lovely surprise! Never thought I'd get to see a fibroid up close and personal!

This was actually fascinating - and way cool. Best wishes to Amy for a great recovery!

4:38 AM


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