A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Apoligies for being Ornery

So first I want to apologize to Belinda Williamson today. She and I were on our way to Kiwanis today and I...well...startled her a bit. I would tell the story, but I just stopped crying from laughing...and I don't want to start that again. If you want to know about it...feel free to ask her. Sorry Belinda!

In addition, I want to apologize to Mindy for posting the Bowl For Kids Sake picture as is. I may have been being a bit tough on her! All in fun...but Sorry Mindy!

Finally a quick picture from the past weekend. The Elite Dance Force (which both girls are a part of) performed at the mall. And there was a picture on the Zanesville Times Recorder!

Check it out!


Blogger Valerie Miller said...

WOW! Can I meet Bambi's friends too?!?!

Who's that cute red head in that photo!?!?

I want to know what happened with Belinda? I could use the laugh!

4:38 PM


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