A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Reason I am Home

As many of you may know, we were supposed to be in Columbus tonight. We are not.

The girls were supposed to compete in a dance competition. Skylar, in particular, has a duet tonight...with both girls competing tomorrow.

Well we got on the road today and were in route when everything stopped. We sat in Tyndal, Ohio for well over an hour. Tyndall is just about 2 miles from Coshocton. Apparently a semi turned over onto a car. And on our way to the competition...in the middle of a snowstorm...we waited.

So if you want to know the reason why I am home tonight rather than in Columbus...well...a picture is worth a thousand words.


Blogger Bill said...

Good choice!

4:52 PM


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