A Day At The Fair!
We spent most of the day Monday at the Coshocton County Fair. Normally when I say this, I would tell you about rides, food, and walking around to displays...but not this time. This was Skylar's first time to show her rabbit...and she did well.
Though I know virtually nothing about the agriculture side of the fair, Amy showed rabbits for years...so she tells me what is going on. Skylar first did Showmanship, which Amy told me is the only thing you really have control of. Skylar did very well with this. She and two other girls were neck and neck. They brought them up for tie-breakers...and Skylar got 3rd. I was really happy for her.
Then she showed in the rabbit breed part of the competition. If you think I am sketchy on showmanship, then wait til you hear about my expertise on this. I got nothing. Skylar's rabbit got 5th on this one!
I thought it was a long day, but Amy assures me that we got off easy. Afterward, the girls got to do a few fun things.
They love this bungee thing...but it costs $5 per time. That adds up! Here is Connie and I with Jade on it behind us. Thanks to Mayor Steve for taking the picture!
Finally we walked through the other barns to check out the animals. And hey...I made a new friend!
I just love following "THE LIFE OF KIRBY!" Showing rabbits...who'd have thunk it....Kirby...the agricultural guru. I can see you have a ways to go but hey! With your competitive spirit I know you AND SKYLAR will be working as vigorously as you are now on "Tuesdays With Maury" to get that blue ribbon for rabbit showmanship next year! I mean really....what will happen when that judge walks up and that rabbit stands up on its hind paws and begins to immitate "Dancing With The Stars!" ...and then grab a hat and pull out a person.....NOW THAT'S HASSEMAN RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP!!
4:49 AM
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