A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I got an email today that said 3 out of 10 people have already broken their New Year's Resolutions. Can you believe that? How are you doing on yours?


Blogger Bill said...

Thanks for asking...I am working out (raquetball with Kelly) 2 days a week. I'm trying not to eat late. I want to become more spiritual by starting my day with some time of devotion and prayer. I seem to be better at praying while still in the rack. I want to be more regular with my coffee and devotional. It's the area I need the kind of accountability such as your asking the question!! So how about you??

5:55 PM

Blogger sarahchrissy said...

So far so good for me. I am a horrible cook and not only that but I don't like to cook. So dinner is always a nightmare at our house. And Rich doesn't like that about me. So my resolution this year is to cook dinner 4 nights a week and that includes coming up with what we are eating. I have done it so far. It's something I've always wanted to change about myself. So I hope I can actually follow through this time.

5:43 AM

Blogger Kirby Hasseman said...

Things are good so far. I started a workout plan before Thanksgiving and am still keeping up...and that's tough during the holidays!

7:06 AM


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