A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A good family day...

Saturday was a really good day at the Hasseman abode. Amy and I worked on the outside of the house while the girls played with friends. We added a cool water feature to the landscaping which both Amy and I love. And of course we did the mulcing, weeding, etc. that comes with a day like that.

We also added a pair of suncatchers to the front. They are difficult to explain...but we got them on vacation in Florida. As they spin, each piece reflects the light sequentially and it almost looks like it lights up. Very cool.

Finally we took the girls to see Shrek the Third here at the local theater.

Let me say, if you have children it probably does enhance the experience...but that movie is funny! Not to mention if you have any appreciation for animation, then you will be amazed. Thumbs up!


Blogger Tom Broadwater said...

We have a couple of suncatchers and also a fountain similar to that one here at our house. I'm a bit behind on my yard/flower bed work. The two most important tasks I'm behind on are mulching and sealing the driveway.

The wife and I are planning on going over to Easton to see Shrek the Third sometime this week. We saw the first two and we don't have any kids.

3:45 PM

Blogger Bill said...

Love the new water feature! We need to get together soon. Look at your calendar and let me know when your going to be around Newark. I'm going to be meeting Dozer and Gildee the 18th of July in Coshocton. Maybe we could link up later that morning.

7:37 PM

Blogger Kirby Hasseman said...

I met Dozer today...and your name came up Bill!

6:19 PM


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