A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Friday, November 23, 2007

Holiday Greeting

As the holiday season has kicked off, I wanted to take just a moment to say "Happy Holidays" to everyone who reads this blog!

Thanksgiving was a great day for us as we were able to spend some time with family. We weren't on our normal "tour" as we had to be a bit cautious with Amy's stamina...but we did get to see quite a few!

And we even had our picture taken...and it looks as though we might have found a good one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT picture!! Will it be this year's Christmas card!?? Grace said to tell Skylar she loves her earrings and to tell Jade she loves her curled hair. Thanks for sharing!

5:26 AM

Blogger Bill said...

What an absolutely great family photo....and in the out of doors as well......and fibroidless!

6:46 PM


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