Great Sunset...not a great picture!
A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County
As USC scored a late 4th quarter TD to essentially put the game out of reach for Notre Dame, Brent Musburger quips…
You are probably sick of hearing about this...but the countdown continues to the completion of the new show INSIDE Coshocton. I apologize for the consistent mentions, but I am excited about the show...and hopefully it's positive impact on the community.
Some of you know I spent 5 years working at The Longaberger Company. I started out in the communications department where we did a live TV show for the company each day. It was a pretty great work experience, and we won some great awards for the work we did.
Last night was the annual "Miracle on Main Street" here in Coshocton. It was cool and crisp...but there was a great turnout. I shot some video of the parade...and I will get some pictures from that later. But after the event there was a LONG line to talk to Santa. My lovely daughter was the very last person in line. Here is a picture from my cell!
That's right! It was the Kiwanis Club and the Rotary Club at a social last night together! It was like cats and dogs living together! It was Anarchy!
That's right. I am feeling under the weather. No time for that!
Many of you know we have been trying to sell our house for the last year or so. This past weekend we tried to auction the house. No deal! So now we are exploring other options for our property. Let me know if you have ideas!
Just kidding. My wife and I cast our ballots this morning in what I happily exclaimed is "an end to the ads!" I don't recall a time that the races have been so contentious...and I am glad to see them come to an end. It's a seems like it is no longer okay just to defeat your opponent on Election you have to humiliate them as well.
So we had our first Parent/Teacher Conferences of the year last night...and it turns out they are my kids. Skylar, in particular, is showing signs of having some of my personality traits. Ahh, genetics. The teachers told us she is exceptionally bright (that must be from Amy) but that she "flits from thing to thing," and "sometimes lacks focus." They told her she is very social...but if she gets bored, she will sometimes just walk right out of the room! Sound familiar?