A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Another long day...

If it's great to be busy, then in January I am livin' large! No complaints with that though...that means I am working!

I did get the chance to speak at a Levy presentation to staff of Coshocton City Schools today. We had a pretty good turnout and laid out the ideas for our plan to pass the February 6th initiative. This looks to be a very "hands-on" community campaign.

We continue to try to inform folks through the website at www.voteforccs.com and that even has a blog!


Blogger Bill said...

My son in Utica is going to "borow" some ideas from your site for their levy!

6:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with this. Even here in the suburbs of Columbus it's getting harder to pass school levies. Westerville failed a couple and New Albany's most recent levy barely passed.

11:03 AM


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