A journey of the Hasseman family and our life here in Coshocton County

Saturday, July 28, 2007

11 Years Ago...

Yesterday was Amy and I's 11th Anniversary. There are days when it seems like yesterday...but those days are becoming few and far between. At this point in our lives, it seems like a long time ago when we said "I do."

But thank God I did! She has been a better wife to me than I deserve...and has given me two beautiful children as well.

Last night we had an evening alone, so we went to Raven's Glenn Winery here in Coshocton County. What a great night! We had a nice dinner and a bottle of wine as we looked over the Tuscarawas river. It was very peaceful...with a lot of laughs.

Thanks for 11 great years Amy!


Blogger Bill said...

Wonderful tribute to a great gal! You're so getting this right, Kirby! To me you get "the stuff that really matters!" Continue building into each other's lives. On August 19th we'll be hitting the big 40 ....and we dated 6 years before that. Ain't real love grand! ....and I truly love her more now than ever!

6:13 AM

Blogger Kirby Hasseman said...

Thanks for the note Bill...and the continued words of encouragement.

7:40 AM

Blogger Tom Broadwater said...

Late congratulations on this! Our 3rd anniversary was back on July 17th.

6:13 PM


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